Auto Gas price in Veraval Gujarat today

Auto LPG Auto gas price in Veraval, Gujarat

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LPG Auto Gas price

Rs. 38.626 /Litre


Gir Somnath

Last price Changed


Near by filling Station




Today's (21-01-2025) Auto LPG rate in Veraval is ₹ 38.626 / Lit

Date / Month Revised Price
Jul-20₹ 38.626
Jun-20₹ 38.626
May-20₹ 46.626
Apr-20₹ 45.286
Jan-20₹ 41.816
Dec-19₹ 40.846
Nov-19₹ 40.136
Oct-19₹ 35.726
Sep-19₹ 35.236
Aug-19₹ 34.576
Jul-19₹ 37.656

Auto gas / LPG gas ( Automobile ) price in Veraval is Rs. 38.62 / Litre. Latest price update is on Jul-20. Rate applicable for Veraval, in the district of Veraval in Gujarat and it has 2 nos. of auto LPG Gas pump / fuel filling station nearby.

Auto LPG / Green Fuel / Auto gas Rate in Other Cities of Gujarat

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What is Auto Gas / LP gas for Automobiles ?

Autogas is nothing but, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) being used in all types of vehicles. Its also used for generators and welding applications. The Auto gas / LPG gas is made up of combining propane and butane gases. It is named differently by the consumbers like Auuto Gas, LPG gas, Autogas and Auto LPG. Auto gas is identified as green fuel for environmental benifits, as lpg gas reduces carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) emission 13-18% compared to liquid petrol and diesel. The emissions of CO2 is controlled well in auto gas because of the less density compared to other liquid fuel.

Auto LPG gas is the third most largest automotive fuel used in the world, with approximately 500 million of passenger cars fitted with LPG combustion kit. But, autogas contributes only 5% of the total market share in the entire world. But Autogas is not so popular in india, but market is catching up and growing remarkably, which is low cost compared to petrol and diesel and environmental free too.

There are about 500 LPG gas / autogas filling stations across 250 cities in India, which attarcts the user mainly because of 25-30 % of the fuel saving.

As said earlier, Autogas contains more octane , which is derived from natural gas by fractionation and from crude oil refining. It also contains the mixture of petrol gas like propene and butene.
AutoGas is kept in the form of gas at ambient pressure and normal temperatures, whereas it can be liquefied while pressurised or when the temperature is reduced enough. The indian goverment has approved and legalised the usage of LPG in vehicle sincethe year of 2000. We must note that Auto Gas price is not regulated by goverment and its tend to increase or decrease based on the crude oil price / market situations.